
Tuesday 9 June 2015

Computer Security Tips to Protect your System information

We hear a lots and lots of concerning cases of hacking, softwares, malwares, viruses, etc, Here are some Computer Security tips to safeguard your PC/laptop against hacker intrusions, malware and different viruses that exploits your PC or Laptops.

6 Computer Security Tips

1) Use a firewall

A firewall is a software system that will handle outgoing and incoming Internet

How to Prevent Facebook Accounts From Being Hacked? (Basic Tips)

There are a lot of ways to lose control of your Facebook account. You may get hacked and ultimately loose Control over your facebook account
Certainly this is not the end of the world, but be aware that you can also be the victim of an attack by malicious softwares and hackers causing much more damage on your ​ ​Facebook account. It is very important to Prevent Fb Accounts from Being Hacked.Prevent Fb Accounts from Being HackedIndeed , while no software installed on your local system, there is nothing that your local antivirus can detect and your account may be hacked in one-of- hand trick, leading to all sorts of hassles and problems . So today in this article we will discuss some Basic Tips to Prevent Fb Accounts from Being Hacked.

Tips to Prevent Fb Accounts from Being Hacked

1)Application Permission

Sunday 7 June 2015

Msvcp110.dll is Missing from your Computer Fix

Windows Operating System may show you many different varieties of errors. But .dll errors are the most popular ones. Most of the times Users face .dll errors while installing any program on thier pc, Today we will be discussing how to fix one of the Common error in windows which is “Msvcp110.dll is missing from your computer“. As said, windows can give you a pop up box displaying this error while you try to install any program.
msvcp110.dll is missing on your ComputerYou must have seen an error box just like the above picture few minutes ago and that is why you are here. This Error may pop up even on Startup or Shutdown, So if you are reading this article then there is every chance that you got msvcp110.dll is missing error on your PC. Let me tell you that you are on right place because i will be listing possible ways to fix this error.

 Fixing MSVCP110.dll is Missing Error

 This Error may be caused due to several reasons, Some of them are:
  1. Registry Problem
  2. Corrupt MSVCP110.dll file
  3. Malware Problem
  4. Hardware Issues
So now that we know the causes, lets move ahead and see how to fix Msvcp110.dll error.

Basic Steps to fix Msvcp110.dll is Missing Error

Step 1: Check your Recycle bin

How to change color of folders in Windows

There are many softwares available today over the internet which can Customize your Computer in an efficient manner that it looks so attractive as well as it becomes very easy to use. We always want our computer to be clean and well organized so that whenever we need to access something or need to search a particular file/folder in our computer we could find it easily.
As similar to that, here I am going to share a software through which you can easily assign your favorite colors to your desired folders in order to differentiate them easily and to ease of access.
Customize folders with colors

How do i Customize folders with different colors ?

Just follow the two simple steps given below to customize your folder :

Step 1 :

How to Run Android games and applications on PC

Android is by far the best mobile operating system as it comes with a lot of amazing games and applications. Sometimes, we want to play that games on our PC but some of these apps and games which are available at Google Play Market are not available for Windows and Mac operating systems. So, what should one do??
Today, in this tutorial we are going to tell you how you can Run Android games and applications on PC. All you will need is a software which is known as Bluestacks.
Run Android games and applications on PC
Bluestacks in an Android emulator which will help us to Run Android games and applications on PC. You can have the perfect Android experience on your Windows and Mac Operating system using Bluestacks.

How to Install Bluestacks

Step 1: First of all you need to download BluestacksClick here to download Bluestacks for your Windows or Mac Operating systems.
Step 2: Once downloaded, install it using the executable file.  You will see a couple of steps in the installation wizard. Follow these steps and installation will be continued.
Once the installation is done, Bluestacks icon will be available on your desktop.

Run Android games and applications on PC

Once you have downloaded and installed Bluestacks, the next thing you need to do is open Bluestacks and follow the steps mentioned below:-
Step 1: When you will run the Bluestacks for the first time you will be asked to insert your Google Account details. Insert the Google Account details so that, that account can be synced with Google Play market.

How To Create Your Own Run Commands

There is no doubt that Microsoft Windows is the most widely used operating system in all parts of the world. Apart from being simple to use, it is quite rich in features as well, which makes our lives quite easy.
The Run command available on Windows operating system is one such power packed feature that lets you to open a document or an application instantly with the help of just 1 command. So, rather than clicking several icons or using multiple commands, you can use the Run command to open any program or document instantly. For that you will need to Create Run Commands for any software of your Choice which you use Frequently.
Create Run CommandsBut, do you know how to Create Run Commands of your Own? Well, it is really easy, which involves just few steps. Through this article, I will help you understand how to access your favorite applications by creating custom Run commands.
You Would also like to Read some Cool Facebook Tricks

Open Run Command:

Before I show you how to create your own Run commands, let’s take a quick look on how to open Run Command. First of all, you need to open the Run window by just pressing the Windows Key along with the R key, i.e. Windows + R. Now, you have to type the name of the program that you desire to open up or execute. Unfortunately, not all programs can be accessed through this method. So, let me show you how to create Run commands that do not come as inbuilt commands.

Steps to Create run commands of your own

Step 1. The first step is to select the software or application for which you want to make custom Run command. For example, let us consider Google Chrome as the example here. Remember, you can choose any application other than which is already there in the Run command.

Step 2. In the second step, right click on the desktop of your computer system and make a new shortcut.
Right click > New > Shortcut

Step 3. As you select the Shortcut option in the 2nd Step, it will open up a dialog box. And, the dialog box will ask you path of the application or software for which you want to create the Run command.

Step 4. Now, you need to browse through the files and choose the one that shows “chrome.exe”. Well, it is quite obvious that all the executable files can be found in the C drive (or wherever the Operating System has been installed), inside the folder “Program Files”. For example, “C:\Program Files\Google Chrome\chrome.exe

Step 5. Once you are done with Step number 4, just click on “Next” button and simply provide a relative name to that shortcut. Remember, the same name will be used later in the Run command.
For example, “GC” for Google Chrome

Step 6. Now, click on the “Finish” button. Once it is done, an icon related to that application or software will show up on your computer’s screen. It means that the process of creating shortcut has been done successfully.

Step 7. In this step, just cut and paste that recently made shortcut icon into your computer’s root drive, in its Windows folder.
For example, C:\ Windows , Make sure you are the administrator of the computer or have its password.

Step 8. Now, you are done with the set up and can run the application through Run Command. Just go to Run and enter the keyword “GC”, and Google Chrome will begin executing.
So this was a Short but Usefull Tutorial to Create Run Commands for any software in windows,I Hope this Post will Easeup your Work, Stay Tuned and Subscribe to this Blog to Recieve Updates Everytime a New article is posted. Subscribe Box.

iPhone Stuck on Apple Logo – Steps to Fix

Alright, so you turned off your iPhone one night and you wake up the next morning and your iPhone comes on but its stuck at the apple logo. I had the same exact problem. Do not fret, because today I will show you few steps that will help you Fix iPhone Stuck on Apple Logo issue and you get your beloved Apple iPhone back up and running.
First, we have to find the source of your problem. Most of the time this iPhone Stuck at Apple Logo problem comes when you or someone else tries to jailbreak your phone. What is jail-breaking? It is when you free your phone from the limitations of the operating system present. Lets be completely honest. They put these limitations up here for a reason. So outside viruses would not corrupt your phone.
Fix iPhone Stuck on Apple Logo
Just like the state makes laws so everyone won’t be robbed by tomorrow. It’s just the same. Sometimes jail-breaking is not always source of the problem. Sometimes this can happen when you update the IOS software. So shall we have a look on steps to Fix this problem after jailbreak?

How to Fix iPhone Stuck on Apple Logo Issue

Step 1: Turn off the iPhone

Monday 20 April 2015

How to Hack a Computer

Hack a Computer
The question “how to hack a computer” is probably the one that is most frequently asked by many Internet users and hacking enthusiasts. So, in order to address some of the common questions and doubts on the subject, I have decided to write down this article. If you are looking for information on possible ways to hack a computer, this post can surely help you out.

What Computer Hacking Really Means?

Computer hacking is a vast subject and it has several different meanings. For example, when someone superficially asks how to hack a computer, it can simply mean how to break the password of a local or remote computer so as to gain access to it. However, hacking is not only that which involves breaking into a computer. If you go deeper, computer hacking can also involve things like techniques to bypass the authentication of a system, hack Internet users, computer databases, software programs and so on.
So, to define in simple words computer hacking is a means of exploiting the weakness in a computer system or network in order to gain unauthorized access to its data or take advantage of it.

How Can I Begin to Hack?

Best Way to Hack iOS Games (No Jailbreak)

You can hack about every game of iOS using iFunboxYou will also need your iDevice to be connected to iTunes in order for iFunbox to detect your device.

Once that is all your iFunbox
1)Click on iFunbox Classic on the leftmost side of the window

2)Go to User Applications and double click on any game you want to hack

3)Now replace the game data (You can find games data using Google E.g: "Temple Run ifunbox hack") with your current game data

4)Then safely remove your device from iFunbox. You can leave the device plugged in if you want. Close iFunbox window

Thats all!!! Enjoy!!!

Tuesday 14 April 2015

How to Stay Safe On Your iPhone

By now, it is certainly safe to say that Apple has gained a wider following than just the young, tech-savvy demographic that initially seemed to flock to Mac products. While Mac computers (and specifically the MacBook Pro) have steadily arisen in popularity, the brand’s move to household name is built largely on their fleet of iOS products, and specifically the iPhone. Apple boasts intuitive-yet-sophisticated software as at least one reason that users from a broad range of demographics are drawn to their products.

Stay Safe of iPhone

Most users will find the transition into using an iPhone fairly smooth and will have very few problems with the

Wi-Fi Tweaks to Increase Your Speed

Chances are if you have a wireless internet connection at your home, you have had some trouble with the speed of the connection at least once before. That being said, a slow wireless connection can be frustrating to deal with. You are probably paying good money to your internet service provider, so slow speed is something you should not have to deal with, right? Well, the truth is wireless speed can be affected by a number of things. Luckily there are some Wi-Fi tweaks you can try that should help boost your speed and get you rolling in no time.

1. Reposition Your Router

The position of your wireless router plays a major role in the speed and strength of your wireless connection. If you are having trouble, you should try to reposition your router in a centrally located area, where the signal can equally reach each wireless device in your house. If your router is near an outside wall, try to move it closer to the middle of your house. Routers that are placed near outside walls can send some of the signal outside, which can risk your wireless connection’s strength and speed.

How to Secure a Wireless Wi-Fi Network

With the world going wireless in every sphere of technology, the question of security has often been raised. The same is true for wireless internet networks or Wi-Fi networks with hackers and Wi-Fi intruders always looking for ways to gain access to unsecured networks. There are several reasons why you might want to protect your Wi-Fi network. Prominent among them include better privacy, reduced internet bills and faster internet speeds.This post contains few simple techniques you can use to make sure that your wireless network is as secure as it possible can be.

Protect your Wireless Internet Network

1) Encrypt your Wi-Fi Network: When you use a Wi-Fi network for accessing the internet, every piece of data you send and receive over the air can be easily snooped by anyone with the right set of tools. Packet sniffers can be used by even the most novice of users to sniff your data. This means that a hacker can not only see which websites are you accessing but also get the login details of your personal and professional accounts. 

Thursday 2 April 2015

How to make a Apple ID?

How to make a Apple ID?

Step 1: Open AppStore

Step 2: Log out from AppStore if you have logged in with your friend's or anyone's Apple ID

Step 3: Now find a free app (Example: Viber, Subway Surfers, etc.)

Thursday 26 February 2015

How to make a MOST Difficult Password

Hello guys, I am going to tell you that how to make a most difficult Password, the only thing you need is a sentence that you can't forgot like "Do what ever you wan't to do" now take the first letter of every word like DWEYWTD now that's gonna be difficult but if you wan't to make it more difficult then add some number or symbols in it like we replace "T" with "1" and "D" with 0 then it will look like this 0WEYW10 now let's add some symbols in it like we can add Exclamation mark in it in the end or in the starting or where ever you wan't like 0WEYW10! , These types of passwords are too difficult to crack, you can make your own by any sentence.

Abu Turab Video

Hello guys, Today I am going to announce that I have created a Dailymotion Channel for Our Blog this will help you to Understand anything easily.

Check it out:

Tuesday 24 February 2015

How to Install Whatsapp on PC [2015 Version]

WhatsApp for PC free download and Laptop free download, After the immense popularity of Social Media sites like Facebook and Twitter, various social messaging sites have also come up such as WhatsAppWeChat, Viber and so on. These are mini social media platforms as they are largely modelled on them. The popularity of WhatsApp and other social messaging platforms have transcended the limits of SmartPhones and can now be accessed from laptop or PC as well. Using WhatsApp for PC has its own advantages and plus points, almost all features can be availed and the process of Installation is quite simple.

How to Download and Install WhatsApp for PC

WhatsApp for PC
Using WhatsApp on PC or Laptop has its own advantages. For instance, you can now send files (videos, audios, images, voice-notes) more easily and quickly, due to faster internet speed (if you have one) and larger storage spaces. The steps to download WhatsApp for PC have been cited below:

WhatsApp for PC Free Download

  • If you wish to download WhatsApp on your PC then installing the Bluestacks software should be the first step. For downloading this, you have to visit the Bluestacks website. This is mandatory for downloading any Android apps on your PC.
  • You need to have a Google account for downloading Bluestacks. If you already have a Google account then this should not bother you, or else you need to open a new Google account, since, Bluestacks is nothing but an android emulator.
WhatsApp for PC
  • After Bluestacks is successfully downloaded, you need to go to play store and Download WhatsApp. After accepting the terms and conditions, you will be required to complete the number verification process which is a little different from the process in smartphones. In this case, you might be asked to insert the number twice.
  • Once the verification process is done successfully, you need to create a WhatsApp account to continue further. You have the option to carry on with your existing number or create a new WhatsApp account. This feature is not available on smartphones.

How to Update Contact List in Android Emulator:

You successfully managed to Install WhatsApp on PC, but too start chat with you friends you will hate saving one by one each contact to your Bluestack emulator. This problem probably going to annoy you but for every problem under the sun there is a solution, so this problem also has a great solution, it is quick and easy way of uploading your contact list to your android emulator. This trick will work for any messaging app you are using through any android emulator
If you don’t have your contact list you may face many strange issues like… you wouldn’t be able to recognize the person who is messaging you is your friend or some stranger it’s because his name is not saved. Also if you have to message someone you want to chat with you will need his number as your contact list is empty. These are great issues with the Bluestack Android emulator.
So here I am sharing a step by step guide on How to Upload Contact in Bluestack Android Emulator.
WhatsApp for PC

You will Need:

  • Your contact list in .vcf or .csv file
  • A working internet connection

How to Upload or Import your Mobile Contact List:

Basically the contact list can be imported from any android or windows enables smart phones in a vcf or vCard file format. You first need to import your contact list in this format to do so..
To import the contact list you will have to choose from contact setting exporting contact list and then click the phone memory
To sync contacts in one file use this command in command prompt
COPY *.vcf newfile.vcf

How to Upload .vcf or vCard Contact List To Android Emulator:

Now proceed by uploading this vcf or vCard file to Andoid emulator you just need to open contacts and upload this file by selecting the import contact option.
WhatsApp for PC
Bingo! Now you can brows your complete contact list that you uploaded in the contact box, open your WhatsApp that you installed using android emulator and start adding new friends from your contact list.
WhatsApp download for PC, Downloading WhatsApp for PC is quite a simple process and the above aid would help you to finish the process with ease. Also, there are quite a few tutorial videos on the internet that would assist you to complete the process. These videos are available in sites like YouTube or even Google. Following the same process, any Android app can be downloaded on your PC from the Google play store as Bluestacks is nothing but an android emulator.
Download WHATSAPP FOR PC, We hope that this guide have helped you in tweaking your WhatsApp for PC and using it, for any query please use the comment box.

Best Notepad Tricks

Notepad Tricks

The Notepad Tricks are use for the Tricking your Computer with the Some codes. Here We are presenting with you some Notepad Tricks codes that will use for something franks. Here We are showing you top 13 Notepad Tricks, that will really made you crazy.
Notepad Tricks

Notepad Tricks:

How to Hack Army of Darkness (Jailbreak Needed)

How to Hack Army of Darkness

You can Hack Every Version of this Game with this Method

How to jailbreak iOS 7.X.X?

How to Jailbreak iOS 7.X.X?

In this same way you can Jailbreak iOS 8

Tuesday 27 January 2015

iPhone Tips and Tricks

Whether you are a new user or a seasoned user of Apple’s iPhone, you're most likely not making use of your smartphone to the absolute maximum. With these simple tips and tricks, you won’t learn everything about your iPhone, but you will definitely become a more proficient user. 

iPhone Tips & Tricks

You can take a screenshot.
From saving content you view on your mobile browser to taking quick snaps of funny texts, taking a screenshot can be incredibly useful in a lot of ways. Taking a quick snap of whatever is on your

How To Become Popular On Internet?

We all wish to be popular. But unfortunately, getting popular is not so easy in the real world. However, in the cyber world of which we all are part of, it is not so tough if you follow some tips given below. Now what are you waiting for? Bring your pen and paper start taking notes on how to become famous.

1.  Start a Website: You might have heard the cliche, "everyone popular has a website." But

How Hackers HACK Facebook Account & How To STOP Them?

Facebook is, undoubtedly, the most popular social networking website with more than 500 million active users. Due to its popularity, many hackers (or should I say crackers?) are actively involved in hacking Facebook accounts of unsuspecting users. This article outlines the many strategies that such hackers use to gain access to Facebook accounts of hundreds of users each day and how you can stop them from hacking your account.

hack facebook account
Facebook is one of the prime target of hackers!

Email Address Hack

I have always been puzzled by Facebook's leniency in this matter. All a hacker needs to do is

What Are Safety and Security Risks When Using Facebook

There is no doubt that the biggest social networking site taking over the whole globe is Facebook. Since it’s the biggest thing the online world has ever seen for the last several years, it’s critical that you understand the guidelines and policies listed on the site. They’re very useful in keeping you informed with various aspects of the site and how it runs.

You should know by now that for every website that you go to, there’s always a good chance of encountering good and bad users. Facebook can be accessed by just about anybody so it’s imperative

Friday 23 January 2015

How To Delete Yourself From the Internet

If someone has written an unfavorable comment about you and if the content pops up first when people Google search you, you will want to erase it. You may also wish to remove a post that you yourself posted on a website. As is the case with most websites, their terms and conditions deny you the right to edit your content once you post it! Such content can often come up in Google when people search for you. This can severely damage your reputation.

However, a fact that you need to understand is that Google is not the source; it merely lets the content be found more easily. Google does not have the original file; it is with the website that has put

How To Enable Command Prompt Disabled by Administrator or Virus

Command Prompt is the tool in Windows which allows users to interact with their computer from a character user interface(CUI). It allows users to bypass most restrictions that are enforced on the Windows explorer based GUI. Hence, it can also be used to remove viruses and malware and also undo their effects. To avoid this, most viruses disable command prompt. Some administrators also purposefully disable it to avoid users changing critical settings of the computer.

In these situations, if you run the command prompt (cmd.exe), you will get an error saying "The

How to Secure a Wireless Wi-Fi Network

With the world going wireless in every sphere of technology, the question of security has often been raised. The same is true for wireless internet networks or Wi-Fi networks with hackers and Wi-Fi intruders always looking for ways to gain access to unsecured networks. There are several reasons why you might want to protect your Wi-Fi network. Prominent among them include better privacy, reduced internet bills and faster internet speeds.This post contains few simple techniques you can use to make sure that your wireless network is as secure as it possible can be.

Protect your Wireless Internet Network

1) Encrypt your Wi-Fi Network: When you use a Wi-Fi network for accessing the internet, every piece of data you send and receive over the air can be easily snooped by anyone with the right set of tools. Packet sniffers can be used by even the most novice of users to sniff your data. This means that a hacker can not only see which websites are you accessing but also get the login details of your personal and professional accounts. 

Encryption basically involves scrambling the data that is transmitted and received by you while using a wireless network. This means that even if a hacker intercepts your data transmission, (s)he will not be able to exploit the information contained within it.

Protect WiFi Internet Network

There are two encryption standards available that you can use: WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) and WPA (Wireless Protected Access). WEP is the older standard of encryption and can now be bypassed in a matter of minutes. WPA is relatively newer but it still has security holes. AirCrack and coWPAtty are two free tools that allow anyone to easily crack WEP and WPA encryption using bruteforce technique. WPA2 is the latest standard and is what you must use if you want the highest level of protection for your wireless network. The encryption keys used change each time a device accesses the network making WPA more difficult to hack. 

The encryption used by all devices in the network must be the same for the network to work properly. Your network will only be as secure as its least secure device. Make sure all devices you use support

How To Enable The Hidden Administrator Account On Windows 7, 8 & 8.1

Windows automatically creates an Administrator account with elevated privileges during the installation process. We mostly need to access it to perform tasks limited only to system Administrators. These are tasks performing which result in the UAC asking for confirmation even if you are using an account with administrative privileges. The elevated Administrator account is disabled by default in Windows 7,Windows 8Windows 8.1 and Windows Vista.

To activate it, you need to use any one of the the following simple methods.

Important: It is recommended to only use this account for troubleshooting purposes and disable it once the task is complete. Even if you do leave it enabled, protect it with a strong password to prevent unauthorized access. 

Enable/ Disable the Administrator Account Using the Elevated Command Prompt

Enable Administrator Account1. If you are on Windows 7, go to Start>Programs>Accessories and

How To Speed Up a Slow Windows 8, 8.1, 7 or XP Computer

Having a slow computer is not something most users fancy, but that is what most of us end up with after prolonged usage despite having the latest hardware. Understandably, there are also a few of us who are trapped with a low-end PC and are forced to get as much out of it as possible. This article caters to both these type of users as it not only explains how to make your computer as fast as it was when new but also how to reduce the footprint of your system to utilize your PC's current system resources in the best possible way.

First thing first. Make sure your PC isn't infected by a virus, worm or other malware

Anyone who has used an infected computer will verify how painfully slow a computer becomes when infected by a virus. More tech savvy users will counter that an infected computer's speed depends upon the type of malware. To be honest, it does. However, based on my personal experience, I can say that while some malware are designed specifically for making computers slow and unresponsive, most malwares tend to decrease a computer's performance. 

If your computer is infected, the first thing you need to do is deep scan your entire hard drive to remove all traces of the virus. Also, scan your secondary storage devices to make sure that they are clean as well. Additionally, make sure to follow best security practices to avoid getting infected in the future.

Increase computer speed

Remove unused and unnecessary programs

Now that we are sure that your computer is not slow because of a virus, you need to get rid of all the unnecessary programs that you have installed on your PC. To remove these programs, go