
Sunday 6 July 2014

How to Hack a Facebook Password

Being one of the most widely accessed social networking sites, Facebook has also become a popular place for many to exchange secret messages and manage illicit relationships. Therefore, it’s no wonder many people make up their minds to hack the Facebook password of their loved ones. May be you’re in a similar situation or just want to hack Facebook, this article will surely help you out by shedding some light on the possible ways to do that.
Every day, I get a lot of emails from people requesting me to hack Facebook passwords of their spouse, girlfriend or boyfriend so as to reveal their secret relationships (if any). Most of them are even willing to pay for the service. I strongly deny any such requests as I do not provide any paid hacking service on my site. However, in order to keep the knowledge free, I have decided to write down this post using which you can easily manage to hack the Facebook profile of your choice.

Possible Ways to Hack a Facebook Password:

1. Keylogging – The Easiest Way!

Keylogging refers to simply recording each and every keystroke that is  typed on a specific computer’s keyboard. This is possible with the use of a small computer program called keylogger (also known as spy software). Once installed, this program will automatically load from the start-up, runs in the invisible mode and start capturing each and every keystroke that was typed on the computer. This obviously includes the password of Facebook, email or any other online account.
Some keyloggers with advanced features can also capture screenshots and monitor every activity of the computer. To use it, it doesn’t demand any special knowledge. That means, anyone with a basic knowledge of computer can install and use this software with ease.
Hence, for a novice computer user, this method is the easiest way to hack a Facebook password. I recommend the following keylogger as the best one to fulfill your needs:
Easily Access Facebook Password
Why SniperSpy is the Best?
Today, there exists hundreds of keyloggers on the market where many of them are nothing more than a crap. However, there are only a few that stand out of the crowd and SniperSpy is one among them.
I personally like SniperSpy for its REMOTE INSTALLATION FEATURE. With this, you can install it on a remote computer without the need for having physical access to it.
Here is a summary of benefits that you will receive with Sniperspy:
    SniperSpy can be installed on remote computers even if you’re miles away from them.
    Operates in a complete stealth mode so that it remains undetected.
    Since SniperSpy operates in a total stealth mode and remains undetected, you need not have the fear of being traced back or getting caught.
    SniperSpy is a very small program, installs in a few seconds and is extremely easy to use even for newbies.
    Fully compatible with Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8 and Mac.

How it Works?

How SniperSpy Works
You can easily drop the deployment module onto a word document, image or any other file and send it to the target Facebook user. SniperSpy will install silently on the target computer and the monitoring process will begin.
You can login to the secure control panel from any browser and start viewing the logs to get the password!
So, if you are really serious to hack Facebook password then SniperSpy is for you. Go grab it now and expose the truth!
Download SniperSpy – for Windows and Mac
For Mobile Users:
For mobile usage such as cell phones and tablets, there is a mobile version of this program called “Mobile Spy”.
Download Mobile Spy – for Mobile Devices
Supported Phones: BlackBerry, Android, Symbian, iPhone and Windows Mobile.

2. Phishing – The Difficult Way:

The other common way to hack passwords or online accounts is via Phishing. This method will make use of a fake login page (often called as spoofed web page) which will exactly resemble the original one. Say for example, a spoofed web page of Facebook looks exactly same as that of the original page. This page is actually created by the hacker and is hosted on his own server. Once the victim enters his/her password in such a fake login page, the login details are stolen away by the hacker.
Phishing requires specialized knowledge and high level skills to implement. Therefore, it would not be possible for a noob user (perhaps like you) to attempt this trick. It is a punishable offense too. So, I recommend that you stay away from phishing and make use of the keylogger, as it is the easiest and the safest way.

Facebook Hacking Methods that Do Not Work:

  1. Many scam websites claim to have found out a certain vulnerability in Facebook servers which as a means can be exploited to crack the password. Unfortunately, there is no such vulnerability in Facebook (or any other online account) that can be exploited to crack the password. Never go behind any of those websites that promise to give you the password upon payment or completing a free survey.
  2. There is no ready-made software program that is available to hack Facebook password (except the keylogger). In fact, keyloggers are pretty generic and are designed to log the keystrokes of a specific computer which is often used to hack passwords.

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