Sunday, 7 December 2014

Keyboard Shortcuts Keys for Facebook Twitter Google+ Social Media Sites

Keyboard Shortcut keys for social media Sites facebook, twitter, google+

Hello Friends, We use social sites for connect with our friends and we share some think with our friends. Now days most of people use social site like Facebook, Twitter, Google plus, etc that’s all site is very good for us for connect with our friends.

You can use this all site more user friendly by usingkeyboard shortcut keys,

Benefit – Some time our computer mouse not work in that situation shortcut keys is very use full for us.

Below Major Social sites short keys given by using them you can use social site easily.

Facebook Emoticons comments symbols code list

facebook emoticon comment box demo picture
Emoticon icons for Facebook comments box-

  • What are emoticons?

 Friends suppose we are chatting on facebook with our friends, and we want show our emotions or feelings but you know some emotions we can't express with word but by Emoticon icons we can explain our feelings with smiley faces emoticons smile, frown, Kiss, Winks and more many chatemoticons for fb.

                                                                Example-                               When you are happy  =
                                                                                                               When you are crying =

Many people know this icon as funny emotion comment pictures or chat symbols.

You can also use this emoticon symbols while chatting or comment.

For Emoticon comments you need to use shortcut codes.

Below emoticon shortcut codes given for use by writing below given code you can share your emoticon icon when you post shortcut code in Facebook comment box or chat box automatic it will be become emoticon icon.